Notes from 2/4 PYMIG Meeting

February 4, 2019 PYMIG Meeting Summary

This week’s PYMIG meeting addressed community environmental concerns regarding the disruption of wetlands north of Potomac Greens, specifically the following: location, wetland limits, wetland impacts, restoration plan and regulatory approvals. Dr. Loretta Cummings of GMU and Chuck Roadley were the expert presenters. The full presentation can be found online here.

First the speakers provided a brief history of the wetlands. Previously they were used as an oil/water separating pond by the railroads. Two prior analyses had been performed on the function and value of the wetlands and the extent that they will be disrupted both temporarily and permanently during construction. The speakers were engaged in November 2018 to update the previous data now that a contractor has been engaged.

The wetlands provide some functions and value of traditional wetlands but contain significant invasively dominant species that are not natural to the area. These species, such as honeysuckle and English Ivy, are very aggressive and non-native. The swamp disturbance area has been reduced to 1.56 acre (permanent) and 2.01 acre (temporary). The permanent acres affected will result in the city of Alexandria providing compensatory mitigation due to the loss of wetlands in the area.

Also, there will be a restoration of the wetlands including 400 trees planted per acre lost and wetland mix in other areas. The invasive species will be removed from the affected areas. According to regulations the site needs to be restored to the same or better condition than currently exists. The City will be responsible for monitoring the site for 5-7 years until it is determined to pass guidelines.

Permit applications will be filed with the US Army Corps of Engineers, Virginia Dept. of Environmental Quality, and the Virginia Marine Resources Commission. Those applications are expected soon and will be posted on the City’s website. Open hearings will likely be scheduled during the process to review the applications.

The next PYMIG meeting will be later in February, but please note that next week’s meeting, previously scheduled for Monday, 2/11, has been cancelled. The next meeting may cover options for the recently added south pavilion of the Potomac Yard metro station. Currently the contractor is evaluating the options from a structural and cost perspective.