Traffic Circle – Metrorail Construction Update 3.19.2020

Update courtesy of Steve Crime  – PG neighborhood’s PYMIG liaison

Traffic Circle.  The builders, PYC, have notified us that delivery of the planters for the traffic circle has been further delayed because of COVID-19. PYC received the following message from Tournesol (the vendor contracted to supply the planters):

“Good morning. I am writing with some bad news. Our CA area and office has been closed due to the COVID-19 and we are now working from home until at least April 7th. With this closure we are also unable to ship your order until we are cleared to return to the office. Once we are allowed to return to the office, our production team will have to re-evaluate to establish a new ship date and we will communicate that with you. Our regulations and what we are allowed to do are changing very rapidly and we will keep you posted as soon as we can if there are any changes. We do apologize for this unexpected setback.”

PYC is actively searching for an alternate supplier for the planters.