Our pool season officially ends on Labor Day weekend, but as in past years, the Board has voted to extend the pool season to include the remaining weekends (Saturday & Sunday) in September. When we notified our pool company of the…
Reminder – Alley Repaving starts 8/27
As a reminder, Pro-Pave will repave the alleys shown in blue in the attached photo on August 27-28, and some work may spill over onto August 29, 2024. Pro-Pave installed signs (see photo) at the entrances of all affected alleys…
Canceled – Board Meeting August 22
The Potomac Greens Board of Directors meeting scheduled for August 22, 2024, is canceled. We do not have the required quorum of Board members available for the meeting. The Board of Directors will meet on September 26, 2024, at 7:00…
Alexandria Community Police Academy
Dear Potomac Greens Residents, Our Alexandria Police Department (APD) liaison, Sgt Loren King, notified us the APD has established a program to provide new insights and a better understanding of the APD to Alexandria residents. It’s a great way to…
Summer Soiree on 9/14/24
LATE SUMMER SOIREE Saturday, September 14 | 6-10pm | Rose Square Eat, drink, and celebrate our wonderful community. 2 tickets included per household (adults only) Additional guests $25/person RSVP by Friday September 6th — link below https://www.eventbrite.com/e/potomac-greens-late-summer-soiree-tickets-939713848417
Annual Maintenance on stormwater vault under Rose Square
Total Stormwater Solutions will be on-site on Thursday, Aug 1st, to perform annual maintenance on the stormwater vault under Rose Square. The purpose of the maintenance is to flush out accumulated sediment / debris from the vault to keep the…
Alley Paving Scheduled for August 27 and 28
Dear Potomac Greens Residents, The Potomac Greens Homeowners Association owns and maintains the paved alleys behind our homes. An earlier Board repaved 6 of the 7 alleys south of Rose Square in 2016. The time has come to repave the…
Next Potomac Greens HOA Board Meeting 7/25/24 @ 7 pm
Just a reminder that the next PG HOA Board meeting will be held on Thursday, July 25, at 7:00 pm in the clubhouse for in-person attendance and via Microsoft Teams for those who wish to attend virtually. The Board may…
New Sentry Community Manager Named
Dear Potomac Greens Residents, At our request, Sentry Management has assigned us a new community manager, Alexander (Alex) Ciccarelli, who has taken the reins from Mel Davis. There may be some minor turbulence over the next several weeks as Alex…
7/12/24 | Scoops & Sips | 5-7 pm
7/12/24 | Scoops & Sips | 5-7 pm | Rose Square PG Social Committee