Proposed Capital Bikeshare Station

Earlier this year, the City notified the Board of Directors of a plan to install a Capital Bikeshare station on Potomac Greens Drive, near the entrance to the access road to the Metrorail station. The Board invited the City’s Shared Mobility Planner, Sean Martin, to attend the HOA Board Meeting on April 25, 2024, to provide interested residents with an overview of the Bikeshare station proposal. Approximately 25 residents attended the Board Meeting in person and shared their thoughts with Sean Martin.  The discussion was lively, and resident feedback to Sean primarily focused on changing the location of the Bikeshare station to either somewhere along the access road or placing it within the north park on the north side of the gazebo. We have just received the following update from Sean regarding the feedback he received during the Board Meeting:

Wanted to share an update with you regarding the proposed Capital Bikeshare location in Potomac Greens.  After our meeting, I looked into additional potential sites for a bikeshare station near the Potomac Yard Metro based on feedback from the Potomac Greens community. The potential sites that were proposed closer to the Metro or within the park, either behind the gazebo or elsewhere all had issues with fire code, site access for installation, or solar access to power the station, that prevent a station from being located there. The proposed location on Potomac Greens Drive and Carpenter Road has been assessed by the Fire Department, Traffic Engineering, and the bikeshare operations contractor and found to be a safe and appropriate location.
This proposal will go before the City’s Traffic and Parking Board for approval to remove two parking spaces during the meeting on June 24, starting at 7pm.  Closer to the date, additional information about the meeting can be found on the Traffic and Parking Board website here:  Traffic & Parking Board | City of Alexandria, VA (  You are welcome to attend and speak on this item as well as submit a written comment.  Please let me know if you have any questions and feel free to share this update with the Potomac Greens community.
Regards, Sean Martin
Since the founding of the Potomac Greens Homeowners Association, our attorneys have consistently maintained that the Board of Directors does not have the authority to take a position and advocate on this type of matter.  However, individual members of the Association DO have the right to take a position regarding the Bikeshare station and advocate that position to City Staff.  We urge residents with strong feelings (pro or con) about the Bikeshare station proposal to attend the June 24, 2024, Traffic & Parking Board meeting and express their thoughts to the members of that body.