PYMIG Notes – April 25, 2022 meeting cancelled

The City has cancelled the PYMIG meeting scheduled for April 25, 2022.  In lieu of the meeting, City staff will post a Potomac Yard Metrorail station construction update video for the month of April in the next week.

While dates have not been confirmed, a summary of the summer PYMIG meetings is:

May: In-person Meeting

June: Format TBD (either in-person meeting or construction update video)

July: No meeting

August: In-person Meeting

Additionally, please note that PYMIG will now meet in City Hall – Sister Cities Room 1101.  PYMIG will hold hybrid meetings (in-person and virtual) to make it easier for the public to participate in the construction process. City Staff will share Zoom log-in information with the public in each meeting announcement.

Update courtesy of Steve Crime, PG’s neighborhood liaison to PYMIG.