Annual Meeting Reminder – 12/9/21 @ 7:00 PM

Please remember that the annual HOA meeting will be held this Thursday, December 9, at 7pm. You can attend in person at the Charles Houston Recreation Center (901 Wythe St.) or by phone or virtually. Dial-in information is below, and for a link to the virtual meeting please email Christie Beruete at

Whether or not you plan to attend, please sign and return the instructed proxy form to ensure quorum is established and your vote for the open Board position is counted. PG homeowners should have received this form in the mail from Sentry Management; if you didn’t, please email Christie Beruete. You can also email completed forms to Christie. If homeowners wish to vote during the meeting, they’ll be able to do so electronically, but please make sure your email address is up to date with Christie Beruete by sending her an email.

All best–
The PG HOA Board

P.S. To connect by phone (audio only), dial:
1-321-754-9506, 870231585#
phone conference ID: 870 231 585#