Stormwater Pond Remediation Complete

Dear PG neighbors—

The PG HOA Board is pleased to announce that remediation work on the stormwater pond, which started the week of July 12th and was the first major remediation work performed on the pond in its 20+ years, was completed on August 6th.

To recap, the pond has not been functioning as designed for a number of years due to a buildup of sediment. The City notified the PG HOA in October 2018 that remediation work was required for the pond to function as designed. Over the past month, 76 dump truck loads of sediment were removed from the pond.

There are multiple stakeholders for the stormwater pond: PG HOA, the Old Town Green (OTG) Associations (townhomes and condos), and the businesses of Potomac Plaza. A Stormwater Management Agreement, dated July 14, 2014, assigned PG HOA responsibility to manage and maintain the stormwater pond. Specifically, PG HOA must ensure the stormwater pond is in good working condition and make repairs so that the pond performs according to its design. The agreement assigns the following pro-rata shares of maintenance and repair costs: PG HOA 26.98%, OTG HOAs 64.65%, and Potomac Plaza 8.37%.

Since notification by the City in 2018, it has been determined that stormwater pond, per engineering drawings approved by the City, is designed to operate as a “dry” pond, but with a marshy bottom. The reason for a marshy bottom is because the southern inlet (which carries stormwater from OTG and Potomac Plaza businesses) is approximately two feet lower than the drainage outlet on the concrete structure on the southeast side of the pond. This means that the stormwater pond will never completely empty or have a dry bottom, except in lengthy dry spells. All the embankments have been hydro-seeded and stabilized to prevent erosion and the Gambian wall (the stone wall extending into the middle of the pond) has been power washed and cleaned.


Once again, the Board is pleased that this important work is complete, and we look forward to having a properly functioning pond as part of our community’s beautiful natural surroundings.

All best—

The PG HOA Board