PG Fall Fiesta

Potomac Greens HOA presents… Holy Guacamole! It’s Fiesta Time! Saturday, September 7th in Rose Square Join us for a festive evening of dinner, dancing and libations. Adults only (21+) / 2 tickets per Potomac Greens household Please RSVP for ticket confirmation:

PYMIG updates, 7.26.2019

Please be aware of the following update from our neighborhood’s PYMIG liaison, Steve Crime. Also, two pages showing, roughly, the Potomac Greens homes that are located within the Metro project’s “limit of disturbance” and therefore eligible for a pre-construction survey…

Survey notices and scheduling

The following message is from our HOA President, Ron Lafond, regarding the recently-mailed notices of pre-construction surveys of PG homes: — “Dear Potomac Greens Homeowners and Residents– As you know, the initial pre-construction activities for the Potomac Yard Metrorail Station…