
PYMIG Update – 8-7-20

The City has posted its July PYMIG update video on the City website.  You can find it at  Slide 5 shows the near-term schedule of construction events happening over the next three months.  The current state of construction is…

Pool Update – 7/10/2020

After our June 25 update to the community following the announcement of Virginia’s Phase 3 re-opening guidance, a few residents kindly volunteered to work with the Board to create a proposal for operating the PG pool during Phase 3. The proposal aimed to…

PYMIG and Construction Updates – 6/30/2020

There are two items of interest to the community. PYMIG Update.  The June construction update video is now available on the City of Alexandria’s website at  Slide 7 contains the construction schedule for the next three months.  Slides 8-12…